preparing for tomorrow's threats and opportunities

Transforming risk into competitive advantage

We expect the future for many organizations will be defined by the digital revolution; either as a market differentiator, or as a source of demise.  While the fundamental principles behind risk management may not have changed, the fast paced, data driven world we operate in has – profoundly. As the pace of change accelerates, today’s business leaders are under great pressure to rethink how they manage risk.
We are a specialized risk advisory firm built to help clients navigate today’s complex operating environment.  Our focus is on emerging strategic risks that pose serious threats to an organization’s bottom line, growth prospects and market standing.
Against the backdrop of today’s nefarious threat landscape, we help our clients identify and protect their organization’s critical assets, reduce the impact of a cyber event and align security investments with risk priorities
We advise business leaders on fast-moving and disruptive trends that hold transformational potential, to help them identify strategic opportunities to leverage new technologies that drive sustainable growth
In an increasingly complex and interconnected operating environment, we partner with clients before, during, and after crises events to help them preserve the equity of their organization’s brand

How resilient is your organization?

Every organization has its own ‘perfect storm’ – that combination of incidents or circumstances with the potential to bring the business to its knees.
Executives, investors, regulators, and other stakeholders are keenly aware of the increasingly mercurial threat landscape – everything from weather related events to global cyber attacks. As the world becomes more complex and interconnected, organizations are under great pressure to build the insight, culture, and resilience they need to evolve their crisis response preparedness.
Many are turning to crisis simulations to evaluate different aspects of their response plans, strategies, and processes against the backdrop of today’s new threats, hazards, and challenges.

Adopting a risk strategy that builds resilience

We believe resilience extends beyond a company’s ability to withstand and recover from crises events. A truly resilient organization has the foresight and situational awareness to avert potential threats before they emerge, and an ability to turn complex risk challenges into sources of strategic opportunities.
Our global network of industry experts and experienced advisers combine an international perspective with local insights to help you manage strategic risks proactively, comprehensively, and effectively, without stifling your company’s ability to innovate and execute against its business mission and goals.
HOT TOPIC | Cyber risk assessments

Priorities matter ...

In an age of competing priorities and limited resources, organizations need to identify and prioritize investment in those cyber capabilities that will contribute most to maturing their overall cyber resilience.
Risk assessments are the cornerstone of any successful cyber security strategy. They focus attention on the most important threats and opportunities an organization faces, and lay the groundwork for implementing effective, proportionate, and optimized risk management strategies.

The dynamic nature of cyber risk requires organizations to continually monitor and reassess their threat exposures to ensure cyber risk levels are understood and managed within defined tolerance thresholds. Only through an ongoing cycle of maintaining and updating your risk assessments can you manage cyber risk proactively, comprehensively, and effectively, without stifling your company’s ability to innovate and execute against its business mission and goals.